G3X PFD Configuration Module
Sumit Hours: 2.0
Maybe because it was the first avionics wiring I did, but I found this quite difficult. I studied the G3X install manual, multiple posts on vansairforce and some steinair videos. The config module wires are tiny at 28 awg and the G3X manual wants you to strip them to a very precise 0.17 inches. Then you have to ensure you use the very specific gold d-sub socket (female) terminals that come with the config module kit. It took some digging to figure out that these have extra thick walls to allow the small 28 awg conductors from the white config module connector to be properly crimped in the standard density d-sub terminals on the GDU 460 50-terminal D-sub connector.
The G3X manual also indicates that the wire must be visible in the inspection hole of the contact, which is impossibly tiny, even with magnification. They also don't tell you that the special thick wall gold terminal they supply actually has inspection holes on both sides and some odd looking flats on the non-wire side, that don't look like any other d-sub pins or sockets that are used. So it took lots of time to research all this and make sure it was correct. Also, the stripmaster stripping tool I bought from Stein only goes down to 26 AWG, so I had to carefully use a blade to strip the tiny wires to the precise 0.17 inches.
And finally, Garmin says the insulation of the wire must be between 1/64 to 1/32 inches from the end of the contact, another impossibly small figure. I confirmed the wire was visible in the inspection hole, did the tug test after crimping, and verified there was a little bit of bare wire between the end of the insulation and the end of the contact. And then I called it good. Since these are the tiniest wires in the whole avionics harness build, rest will be much easier.

This post is from Sumit's RV-10