Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Days 4-5


We have managed to sort out the parts issues we had with the elevator. Turns out we did not have access to the most recent build manuals. That was why the trim tab skin was not making any sense to us. It is an updated part that requires an additional channel to make work. We have that now ordered as well as one bearing bracket for the elevator/ horizontal stab connection.

Once we had that sorted out we pressed on with the rest of the elevator assembly. We constructed the main rib channels and framework for the assembly. We then put the skins on and Cleco’ed the top. We then bolted the horizontal stab and elevator together to make sure they aligned properly. We then flipped it over and Cleco’ed the underside. Once that was done we checked to make sure everything was good and aligned and then set about riveting the skins on.

Once the tops and bottoms were riveted we removed the two assemblies and Cleco’ed the leading edge and then riveted that all up.

We then moved onto the tips of the elevator. Firstly we Cleco’ed on the leading tip skins and then aligned the composite ends and match drilled and Cleco’ed those on. Once they were drilled they were removed and had the front 20 holes on each one countersunk to accommodate the countersunk rivets that we would be using. (The skins come pre dimpled.) We then riveted the skins to the composite tips. We used 1/8 aluminum backup washers on the countersunk rivets because it gives them more product to bight onto since you drill a fair amount of the composite away when they get countersunk. It makes them much stronger.

Then before we placed the tips on the main assembly we installed the counter weights in the fronts of the tips.

At last we Cleco’ed the tips onto the elevator and proceeded to rivet them together.

Lastly we assembled the inspection hatch and got it put in place.

For the remainder of the day we started preparing the parts for the vertical stabilizer. Tomorrow we will be able to assemble that as far as we are able until our VOR antenna arrives. We should also be able to make good progress on getting the rudder assembled as well.

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Day’s 1-3 Day’s 1-3

This post is from Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

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Day 6 Day 6