Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Day 12

Fuel Tank Sealing

Today we worked on getting the fuel tanks sealed. We laid plastic out on a pair of tables and organized all the components to ease the assembly of the tanks. We had a good crew of four guys to help with the project.

We mixed the sealant and set about assembling, Clecoing and riveting the right tank together. Everything seemed to be going well enough, other than it seemed like the sealant was curing quickly.

Halfway through the left tank we discovered we had accidentally ordered and were using 30min sealant. Dang. There wasn’t enough time or sealant left to finish the left tank. We found a good stopping point and called it a day.

We have ordered more sealant (we have made sure to get two hour this time…) and will finish the left main tank and the two long range tanks then.

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