Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Day 40

Wheel Hub Spat Covers

Today we worked on fitting our wheel hub assemblies with the composite spat covers. These parts come from Sling pre-molded but require being fitted to the landing gear.

We started with the nose wheel. We began by measuring out and drilling pilot holes in the front pieces as per the build manual measurements. We then fitted the two halves of the composite parts together so that they lined up in the joggle as best as possible. We then used tape to hold them in place and match drilled through the pilot holes and placed a cleco after each one to help hold them in place.

Once that was done, we fitted the parts to the nose gear. We found that about 1 inch of material needed to be removed from the bottom of the rear half part of the spat to fit the tire better. After trimming the spat it fit much better. We were then able to use a hole match tool to line up and match drill the front mounting holes. Then with the front half bolted on, we cleco'ed on the rear section and used the same tool to then match drill the rear mounting holes. Once we scuff the parts, we will install the M4 rivet nuts. For now, though the front spats are fitted. We will still need to cut out the valve stem access hole at a later date.

Now for the rear spats. These ones seem a bit more difficult fit. Not sure if it is because the seem to hang in an odd way or what, but they seem to have trouble coming together in the back and matching up with the mounting plate. So, it is a lot of on and off again as small adjustments are made. The process is more or less the same as for the nose. We also began by measuring out the pilot holes in the rear cover and drilling them out. Then placing them on the main spat covers and match drilling them to fit as best as possible. Then like we said, its of and on again on the wheel hub until it has the best fit where it doesn't interfere with any components and will be able to install it easily after it is painted.

We were able to finish the right spat cover and have the rear cover fitted to the left one. So, we should be able to finish that one up the next day. Once they are all fitted, and we get them scuffed we will get all the M4 rivet nuts installed (We have added an additional pair to each side spat to give them a little more strength and holding capability.) and cut out all of the remaining access holes.

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This post is from Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

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