Tyler's 2nd Sling TSi

Day 41

Getting Canopy Ready

Today we finished fitting the wheel spats. The left one went together much better than the right. Once we had all three fitting well, we then scuffed them all and installed all of the M4 rivet nuts. (We added a few more just for extra holding power) We also went around with 220 grit sandpaper on to smooth out all of the edges and to make everything look clean and professional. All that is left for them now is to cut out the access holes for the valve stems and brake lines.

With the spats completed we worked on getting ready for the next phase of our build. We put the fuselage down on the ground and got the canopy up on tables and unwrapped. Our next project is to get that installed. So, we also got the rear fuselage skins unwrapped and will then get them scuffed and 3/4's installed. We will leave a row at the top unriveted so that we can fit it to the canopy just perfect.

We then spent a little time tearing down the now empty crate boxes and picking up our area some. This next push is going to be fast as we work to quickly get the canopy fitted, painted, and installed inside of a week.

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