Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 46

Forward To Rear Join

Today we joined the forward to rear fuselages. We began by preparing the bottom skin, then Cleco’ed it to the fuselage frame assembly. After insuring everything was in place we then ran the 300 rivets in the skin. Next we riveted the supports that go from the forward to rear fuselage. Most of these had to be hand pulled due to their closed areas. Lastly were the backseat strengthening and rear seat support channels. Many of these also had to be hand pulled due to the angle.

We were also able to rivet in the four control stops in the front floor. These required some clear drilling, and hand rivet pulling but went together well.

All in all, a very productive day.

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Days 43-45 Days 43-45

This post is from Tyler's Sling TSi

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