Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 65

Seat Backrests.

Only had a few hours to work today. We were able to rearrange and organize a little bit after all the work on the wing fuel tanks the last couple of days. This gave us a some more room to work.

Being that we are still waiting on the motor mounts, we are unable to complete the firewall at this time. This puts a hamper on what we can move forward with at the moment. The Firewall holds the front of the plane together, tying together the fuselage, firewall forward (Motor and front landing gear) and canopy. Without it in place there’s quite a bit we’re unable to move on with. As well, we aren’t able to move forward with the wings for a couple of days as the sealant finishes setting up. We’ll be able to take the tanks of early next week and continue on those.

Spent a few minutes looking over the plans working out a plan on what can be worked on at the moment. We decided on the seats next. They can’t go in the plane yet, but the seat frames can be assembled and riveted. We quickly got the parts out and did a quick check and organizing of the parts we would need and got started riveting the headrests for the front seats today. Tomorrow we will work on assembling the rest of the seats.

Oh, and some good news, our compressor that we thought had burned up started working again today! We were working it quite hard when riveting the fuel tanks. We think we must have overheated the compressor motor and tripped a heat sensor.

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