Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 126

Nose Wheel Spat

First thing this morning we examined the parts we painted last night. They turned out great. We mounted the lever nobs to see how the looked. They look amazing. We’ll wait a few days to let the paint fully cure before finishing the throttle brake quadrant assembly as well as the control sticks.

We also lined up and match drilled holes for the nose spat this morning. The manual had measurements to follow for the rivnut holes. It was a little difficult getting the two halves to line up. The composites did not match perfectly. Finding a good median we got it too look good though. Got it set on the nose wheel and will now be able to match drill the wheel mount holes.

While doing an update list for our back order items, came across the bolt reinforcement spacers for the landing gear. (???) 4130 Chromoly is resistant to rust, but does eventually begin to oxidize if it is not sealed. The spacers we machined ourselves were not plated. So to eliminate the chance of them rusting we placed the plane up on a stand and replaced them with the factory spacers.

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