Riveting horizontal stabilizer
Clecoing, riveting and placing grommets
Assembly: horizontal stabilizer
Manual ref: HS2
After deburring, cleaning and priming the mating surfaces we clecoed all the ribs and brackets to the already clecoed parts from HS1. Then we removed the clecos one by one and riveted them. Most rivets were popped with a pneumatic air rivet gun but some in tight corners, especially at the ribs, had to be done by hand. When a rivet would not properly go through a hole we used a drill bit with the exact same hole size and twisted it to make the hole a little bigger. All rivets were placed perfectly the first time, no rivets had to be drilled out. We drilled the grommet hole size to 9.5 mm (3/8") which ended up being the right fit.
Builders of today:
- Pepijn van Kampen
- Suzanne Hendriks
- Guy Maré
- Tetsuo Martynowicz
This post is from Phoenix FS