Riveted the rudder skins today
Found a way to deal with the gusset channel misalignment
Assembly: rudder
Manual ref: RD2
Riveted the rudder skins today.
Had to drill out 2 rivets that were in place of the rudder tip skin. The holes came out a bit oval shaped, thinking about upsizing them to 4mm but we will have to check with sling if that is okay.
To prevent making oval holes again we are buying a hand reamer, hopefully that prevents the issue of the drill bit not centering properly. Also looking into buying a rivet removal tool to guarantee nicer rivet removal.
Fitting the rudder tip skin onto the top rib was quite challenging, we had to cleco it up several times and adjust the bends at the very end of the top rib (rib 5) to make the skin fit. Eventually got it done nicely. Next challenge: fitting and drilling the glass fibre rudder tip.
Update on the Trim Tab and the Elevator control horn bracket issues:
Sling is sending new components since these were indeed not correctly made.
Update on gusset channel problem of the rudder:
By removing all the cleco's and clecoing the skin again in a different order we managed to prevent the gusset channel misalignement issue.
Builders of today:
- Suzanne Hendriks
- Pepijn van Kampen

Trailing edge does not perfectly align, but is not an issue according to our inspector.

Upsizing hole to 4mm.

This post is from Phoenix FS