Right Wing skeleton
Started on the wings!
The christmas holiday has just passed and we started on the wings today.
First we attached the main spar to the root Jig, then cleco'd the ribs to the main spar and lastly we cleco'd the rear spar on to check if everything is correct before rivetting.
Mostly all parts seem to fit nicely apart from Rib 16, which holes do not line up with the main spar. Also there is quite a gap (+/- 4 mm) between the rib and the small channel. Is it a Rib problem or a spar problem, we don't know.
Also the flap torque tube which goes through the first couple ribs seems to have maybe a little to much friction, is there a solve for this?
Builders of today:
Pepijn van Kampen
Victor Morizon

Is the rib or the main spar the problem? Will have to contact sling

Holes also do not line up

Big gap between rib and main spar channel

Had to build Rib 8 since that was not done yet
This post is from Phoenix FS