Right Wing top skins and leading edge
Top skin together with leading edge is on now! taxi and landing lights installed
Last couple days we worked on the top skins of the wing. After having riveted the bottom skins we turned the Jig around and started with clecoing the top skins. A new strategy arose: every time one inserts a cleco put a rivet in next to it: this assures that the holes actually allign. (the clecos allow for quite some misalignment) This way almost no holes had to be drilled out in the entire top skin assembly.
Next we did the leading edge, first the cables had to be prepared, we were a bit unsure in the beginning if the way we did it is how it is supposed to be done, but after some tests we noticed that these clamped connectors if properly done actually hold for a lot of pulling force. combined with a shrinking sleeve we believe this is quite a neat solution.
Before riveting the leading edge we tested if the landing and taxi lights actually worked by connecting them to a 14v power supply and they seemed to work.
When we started with the cleco'ing of the top skins the top of the two wing jigs alligned nicely (no torsion in the wing). However during cleco'ing the wing started to twist without us noticing. We should have clamped the jigs to the table before we started to cleco it. Only after having riveted all the top skins we noticed that the wing was twisted slightly. This was quite the bummer. Luckily this problem got solved almost entirely by twisting the skins back in a proper position, (we had to pull it approx 4mm down) which didn't take that much force. and putting on the leading edge. The leading edge was then able to hold the skins in this position.

Leading edge on, with lights installed.

cleco'ing the leading edge.

How it looks when the skin is on.

removed the double sided tape of these cable tie binders, and used flexible poly-max glue to secure them to the skin.

Cabeling all done, 1 cable is used to connect the ground ports of the lights.

close-up of the clamping of the cable for the taxi/landing lights. One can pull really hard on this system and it won't give a millimeter!

Close up of the 3 cables which go to the root of the wing.

Top skin all cleco'd up!

Beginning with clecoíng of the Ribs. We were helped out this evening by our certification manager Vlad.

Top skins done!

Rivetting a small part on the main spar, note that a lot of holes have to be left unrivetted for the fuel tank and leading edge skin.

Suzanne left and Pepijn right working on the skin.