Right wing bottom skins
Yesterday and today we removed plastic, deburred, cleaned, clecoed and riveted the bottom skins of the right wing. We started by clecoing the skins on the spars and after that we clecoed the ribs to the skins. We encountered some misalignment issues and missing holes, most of those could be solved by drilling the holes out with a drill bit or reamer like misalignment issue 1 & 2. However, some misalignments close to the wingroot at the main spar are still unclear to us how to solve like misalignment issue 3. We left those for now.
Furthermore we enlarged the holes for the rivnuts for the maintenance hatches (enlarged to fit an M4 rivnut). Then we continued with clecoing everything up and riveted the bottom skins. We had to drill out a few rivets at the beginning that weren't supposed to be riveted because the leading edge and fuel tank still had to be placed there, so we decided to properly mark which holes did not need to be riveted with a sharpie. All in all it went quite smoothly but we do have one or two small patches that tend to buckle a bit. In our opinion, it doesn't hurt too much and it is almost impossible to get it perfect.
Builders of yesterday and today:
- Pepijn
- Vincent
- Guy
- Tetsuo
This post is from Phoenix FS