Aileron & flap alignment right wing
We tried to align the ailerons and flaps that we made earlier to see how they align. We left the leading edge unriveted so we can still twist them if necessary. We couldn't fit the aileron and flaps with the cleco's in the leading edge so we used tape to strap them up. First of all, the alignment with the trailing edge looked fine left and right, no real problems there as can be seen in photo A & photo B.
The main issue was the vertical misalignment which can be seen between the aileron and flap when both are clamped on the trailing edge (see photo C). Clearly one of them is twisted. We ended up riveting the aileron without modifying the holes and we tried to twist the flap such that the alignment was good and used tape to hold everything in place. Eventually we drilled out a few holes in the flap on the root side and made a little slot (see photo D & photo E). We adjusted the tape and riveted everything up. The end result was a nicely aligned flap and trailing edge (see photo F)
Builders of today:
- Niels
- Tetsuo
- Guy
- Rolf
This post is from Phoenix FS