Main Landing Gear Gusset Assembly and Installation
The assembly of the Landing Gear Attachment Gusset was pretty straight forward. The installation was a different story all together. For stater's, the instruction manual leaves much to be desired. I have built model airplanes with better instructions than those that cam with the Pulsar I. The Pulsar plans are not terrible but pretty close to it. The plans just do not provide any pictures of what the finished product should look like nor do they provide enough cross reference material. If it were not for having the luxury of inspecting another builders video of his install, I would have been shooting from the hip. Additionally, a person has to become a circus monkey to be able to fit in the area that needed to worked upon.
The way the plans call for the layup of the fiberglass was clear. However, the angle of the attachment gusset was not. I did the best I could. I will be going back and strengthening both the left and right gussets by adding another layer of glass.
This post is from Clyde Oyler's Pulsar I