Flying day today! :-)
Went with Chris of Whisper down to Paradise Beach to visit Russel Phillips (original designer of Whisper), and went for a flight in his x350 Gen1.
Thanks Russel for letting me fly your baby! :-) So cool to get some instruction and explanation of flight characteristics from the guy who designed it!
Didnt get any in flight video, I was so excited forgot to get out the GoPro
FYI, for those wondering about economy/performance at sea level on this flight, Russel's G1 is an o360 180hp (carburetted, magnetos), 2 blade constant speed.
Cruise at 140kts, fuel burn around 20 L/Hr
Cruise at 175kts, fuel burn around 40 L/Hr
My full carbon GII will be lighter, and the UL520iS will run more efficient, so cant wait to see the numbers when done!
This post is from Darren and Lee's Whisper X350 Gen II