Darren and Lee's Whisper X350 Gen II

Flying day today! :-)

Went with Chris of Whisper down to Paradise Beach to visit Russel Phillips (original designer of Whisper), and went for a flight in his x350 Gen1.

Thanks Russel for letting me fly your baby! :-) So cool to get some instruction and explanation of flight characteristics from the guy who designed it!

Didnt get any in flight video, I was so excited forgot to get out the GoPro

FYI, for those wondering about economy/performance at sea level on this flight, Russel's G1 is an o360 180hp (carburetted, magnetos), 2 blade constant speed.

Cruise at 140kts, fuel burn around 20 L/Hr

Cruise at 175kts, fuel burn around 40 L/Hr

My full carbon GII will be lighter, and the UL520iS will run more efficient, so cant wait to see the numbers when done!