Scott's RV-14 Build

Aft Fuselage Started

Immediately started in on the aft fuselage section. Prepped several parts. I'm having another one of my internal "prime or not prime debates." I primed the internal structure of all the control surfaces. Part of my reasoning was that those areas are closed and impossible to inspect for corrosion. The aft fuselage, on the other hand, is more open and accessible for inspection. Primer adds weight and build time. I live in AZ, not a coastal area. A buddy who has owned 3 RVs and sold 2 said no prospective buyer asked or cared if his were primed. I'm not trying to build a 100 year airplane. It was always be hangered and pampered. Probably that last sentence is the key to preventing corrosion and deterioration whether its a car, boat or plane. Protect it and care for it and it will take care of you. Still thinking about it.

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This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build