Scott's RV-14 Build

Finishing Lower Bottom Skin

The lower rear skin took a lot of labor to complete. Hours. Most of it spent forming the oddly shaped slot for the tailwheel support. I've needed X-Acto knives for awhile and finally bought a set to cut out the template accurately. Templates. I wish Vans would supply them at the correct size. All the ones I've used so far are slightly small. Fortunately my copier can enlarge in 1% increments. I found that enlarging the original to 104% yielded the correct dimensions. Then it needed to be dimpled. The thick .040" metal is at the limit for dimpling vs countersinking. I knew it would happen and today I made my first dimple in the wrong direction out of the thousands I've done. Fortunately I re-dimpled in the right direction and didn't see any cracks in the metal upon inspection with a magnifying glass. Whew. And unlike yesterday I had no issues when match drilling a 3/4" hole with my step drill.

This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build