Rudder Cable Links/Cable Guides/Flap Motor
Back in the shop after some time off. Today was productive. Last Tuesday I got the steel rudder cable links primed and painted in preparation for today. Rather then dig out the HVLP gun and all the associated stuff for 4 small parts I just rattle-can primed them and applied the final color with a small foam brush. The results were satisfactory and the parts had time to fully cure for 3 days. The install went smooth but like other parts in the rudder pedal system the nuts are only finger tight. A balance must be met between friction and freeplay. I needed to experiment with a couple different washer thicknesses to get the cotter pins to line up correctly and the nut torque where it needed to be. From there it was riveting in the nylon cable guides where the cables exit the center tunnel. The guides prevent cable chafe and guide the cables smoothly out of the slot and to the pedals. Finished up with installing the flap motor/linear actuator. Again nut torques were much less then normal so the 2 pivot points moved freely yet had no freeplay.
This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build