Painting Canopy Frame
Over the past few days I finished upsizing all the canopy screw holes to #27. I also marked the exterior perimeter of the canopy leading edge on the frame forward skin so I'd have a reference where to paint the glareshield flat black. With the help of a buddy, I removed the canopy and frame assembly and deburred all the holes in both. Then I performed the tedious process of scuffing and cleaning all the areas on the frame that will get paint. After masking the areas that are paint free I got the frame primed. It's a large, awkwardly shaped part that needed 2 sessions to prime so I could reposition it. Fortunately, the primer dries quickly. I'm trying to figure out how to do the topcoat in one session. Theoretically I could if hung vertically from the hinges. Easier said than done. The topcoat takes hours to dry so I'm probably going to do it over a couple days. I finished the evening sanding the primer to remove rough areas with 600 grit and a scotchbrite pad in preparation for the topcoat.
This post is from Scott's RV-14 Build