26 MAR 2023 - Panel prep
Sumit Hours: 15
Overlay Panel received from http://www.upnorthaviation.com/vans-rv---10.html in November 2022 after providing CAD drawing review.
Overlay panel planned to sit approx. 17.2mm proud of F-1003A Instrument Panel. This matches the deepest bezel which is the G5. Other bezels: GDU 460 = 10.3mm, GMC 507 = 17mm. GTN 650xi (18.9mm), SL30 bezel (18.9mm), and Nextion touchscreen bezel (4.6 mm) depths don't matter as garmin trays and nextion screws will be set in Z-dimension location so that forward face of bezels are flush with the forward face of G5 & GMC507 bezels. GDU 460 will be set by adding 6.5mm shims to front face of F-1003A instrument panel in gdu perimeter locations.
Best technique to cut the rectangular instrument panel holes:
- https://youtu.be/Q97Uth88YCY
- Make outline lines using template or tracing instrument or by measurement
- Choose desired corner radius (typically 1/4" full diameter circle or per specific instrument dimensions)
- Mark corner hole centers using 1/2 of corner bit diameter (radius of bit)
- Drill a pilot hole and then use stepper/unibit to come up to full radius
- Use a straight edge and utility knife to scribe the straight cuts
- Use dremel EZ456 metal cutoff wheel at 15-20K rpm to join corners, staying inside of lines slightly
- Clamp straight edge steel to final line and use die grinder or dremel sanding discs to achieve final line
- polish and finish with files and/or scotchbrite
See mock up pic below for planned modifications to F-1003 INST PANEL LOWER FLANGE
Addendum April 2:
- absolute best technique to final line after clamping steel straight edge is 80 grit sanding disc twist lock on die grinder or corded electric high rpm drill
- same as YouTube link video metal magic
- much cleaner and faster than dremel sanding drum
- see pic below
30 APR 2022 - MD-RA
This post is from Sumit's RV-10