Tyler's Sling TSi

Day 205

Wing Brackets for Painting

Today we finished making the brackets for our wings to be able to hang them in the paint booth. They seemed to have turn out well. We will find out when we go to hang them if they will work.

We also put a good amount of time in cleaning up the paint booth. All that is left is to water the walls and floor down tomorrow to get the last dredges of dust that might be left in there. We ended up sweeping the room thee times. Crazy how much dust and dirt accumulates over time. The room looks amazing though. It is totally worth the extra time to be thorough. Every speck of dust has a high probability of ending up on our paint job. So if we want a high quality finish, it is imperative that the room be as dirt and dust free as possible.

To finish up the booth we will also finish the upgraded lighting by putting the ballast covers back on and finish wiring the last set of lights. You can tell from the picture of the room how much of a difference just the one set of lights make in the dim corner. After they are all up the room will be so bright.

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