Phoenix FS

(almost) done with elevator

Elevator almost finished, we are quite happy with the result. The trim tab is not riveted yet since we are still unsure about it's shape and it not swivelling perfectly smooth, we will discuss it tomorrow with our supervisor (Jack)

Had to enlarge the holes on the tip ribs for the counter weights since these were too small for the 4.8mm rivets.

Also came across a small issue whilst placing the composite end caps: the main skin seemed to stick out a bit more than the small tip skin. This was the case on the top, bottom and both on the left and right side. To maintain a nice allignment of the skin to the composite end caps we trimmed of a very small amount of the skin, this worked out perfectly.

Builders of Today:

Pepijn van Kampen

Suzanne Hendriks

Tetsuo Martynowicz

This post is from Phoenix FS

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