Neville's Bearhawk

Air Intake, Door trim, Flying wires

Air Intake

Today I continued fabricating the Air Intake. I fibreglassed the inside and outside of the flange that I made yesterday and it appears to have gone reasonably well. I left the completed piece inside the polystyrene heat box to cure. Tomorrow I’ll trim around the edges and give it a sand to tidy it up. Then it’ll get a layer of filler.

Door Trim

The front doors have sharp edges that open up to about forehead height, so I need to add a trim to offer some protection in case someone walks into them. I purchased some rubber trim samples to try out. The main issue is that both doors close very tightly, so I’ll need to adjust (bend) the latching mechanisms to allot for a looser fit to accommodate the rubber trim.

Flying Wires

This afternoon I ordered the rear flying wires. To double check the measurements I fitted the stabilizer attachments and measured the distance between. This also gave me an opportunity to clean up the bolt holes after painting. I realized that I’m going to need to purchase longer bolts for these fittings.

This post is from Neville's Bearhawk