Neville's Bearhawk

VHF aerial, Fuel selector, Wings

VHF aerial

I re-installed the VHF aerial this morning and connected it, then installed the floor panels.

Fuel selector

While I was installing the fuel selector I noticed that it wasn’t operating smoothly between Right and OFF. I made several changes to try and fix it, including changing the way the floor panel sat around the selector. In the end I discovered it was a machining issue with the selector itself. I ground part of one lip back and got an improvement right away.


This afternoon I rented a trailer and brought the wings up to the workshop, and uncreated the right wing. I’m using the steel crates as a workbench, with ply on top. Then I put the flap and aileron back inside for safe-keeping.

This evening I cut some pieces of wood to prop the lower skins open while I access the wing, and I removed the fuel tank and unwrapped it. I also assembled the fuel caps, then unpackaged the wing hardware.

This post is from Neville's Bearhawk